Moving pets abroad
Moving internationally with pets
At Compas we understand that pets are part of the family. We want your loved ones to arrive safe, healthy and happy at the new destination. It is not a problem to move pet overseas, although some exotic animals might be prohibited in some countries. Relocating a pet can be a complex process, requiring special customs documents, health checks, vaccinations and more. Compas offers specific pet relocation services and is your partner for proper guidance.
Our number one priority is your pet’s safety and comfort.
Some things to arrange when moving your pet overseas
A pet is often a beloved part of the family. Even though it might be obvious for you and your family to take it with you on your trip abroad, it is very important to consider the welfare of the animal first. For example if the pet is already very old, moving the pet abroad may be too stressful. If the idea of pet relocation sounds like a good option, don't forget to take care of the following:
Make sure that your animal is micro-chipped/has a tattoo code: Changes are high a microchip is required as a part of the pet import process. This way, the immigration officers can compare the information on the chip with the veterinary documents you are presenting.
Get your animal vaccinated against rabies: A rabies vaccination is essential for world pet transport. Most countries have a waiting time of around 25 days after the vaccination before the pet can travel. Your animal also needs a treatment against the tapeworm 'Echinococcus multilocularis'.
Obtain a pet passport/ health certificate: for moves within Europe a EU pet passport will be sufficient. These passports are mainly used for cats, dogs and ferrets. If you are travelling form a non-EU country, your pet is obliged to have an EU animal health certificate issued by an official vet not more than 10 days before arrival. Don't forget to attach a written declaration that states that the relocation of your pet is for non-commercial reasons.
More moving with pets tips? In our blog post we listed some helpful tips on how to move with pets and what you can do to avoid pet panic.
Full Door-To-Door Pet Relocation with Compas
We only collaborate with supplier IPATA, the International Pet Animal and transportation Association which ensures that the pet travel is done as safe as possible. We take care of:
- Paperwork for the international transfer
- Arrangements for quarantine requirements
- IATA approve cage
- Pick up of your pet at home
- Booking of the most direct flight option
- A health check prior to the international flight
- Flights with temperature control so the pets travel comfortably

Our pet relocation process

Ship your pet internationally?
Compas understands the love you have for your animal. We make sure your loved one arrives at the destination safely, healthy and happy. Thanks to our collaboration with supplier IPATA (international Pet Animal and transportation Association), we can ensure a safe pet relocation. Please contact us for more information about moving to another country with pets.