International relocation during Coronavirus Pandemic
As if moving abroad was not enough of a challenge yet, the past year we became very familiar with a virus called COVID-19. The spread of the virus has affected many industries over the world, including international moving. In this article we would like to provide you with information and support around the subject.
Is international relocation considered essential?
Sometimes a move is unavoidable. For example, due to a professional contract that ended or if you recently purchased a new place abroad. Therefore moving is considered an essential business in most countries. Moving service providers like Compas can continue to operate in all countries if Covid-secure guidelines are taken into account.

Moving during COVID-19 tips
You are certainly not alone if you have concerns around moving abroad during the coronavirus lockdown. For this reason we provide you with some helpful tips for making your move run as smoothly as possible.
1. Look into the country policy around COVID-19
Moving abroad now involves more research than ever. You may want to know beforehand how the country of destination is handling COVID-19. It is important to check factors like health care, whether or not they accept foreign citizens or whether or not your children will be able to attend school. You may have to go into quarantine immediately upon arrival or you may have to submit a negative COVID-19 test at the border.
2. Put insurance on top of your priority list
Given the fact that we live in unpredictable times, it might me best to guard yourself against problems that might occur due to the virus. By getting yourself a good health-,removal- and travel insurance you can avoid financial disasters. This should be top priority when planning your move.
3. Keep in contact with your moving company
If you are using a moving company to facilitate your move, try staying in touch with them. This way you can stay up to date with the latest developments concerning your move. It can also be helpful to communicate regularly with people taking care of your accommodation or with people at the company where you will be employed abroad.
4. Don’t move if you’re not feeling well
It may sound obvious, but if you had any symptoms in the past seven days, moves have to be delayed. Not only can you possibly infect others, you can also be refused on the airline or refused entrance in the country of destination.
5. Try to use online services as much as possible
If there is one benefit of the virus, it is that we were all pushed towards a digital society. Airports for example advice flyers to use online check-in services to avoid face-to-face contacts at the airport desk. Digital solutions are also provided for relocation services. At Compas we take pre-move surveys virtually via our application.
Need a partner to organize your move?
Because health and safety are top priority at Compas, we take all measurements into account to ensure the safest move possible. Contact us if you need more information about travelling in times of COVID-19. You can also request a free quote or book a virtual survey.