Tips for Moving with Pets

In this article we would like to explain to you why moving abroad can also be stressful for pets, and how you can avoid serious pet-panic by taking some helpful tips in consideration. 

Relocating with pets

An International removal is very stressful for people, but also for your pets. After all, you cannot explain to them what is going on or what is going to happen. Therefore, your pets can get stressed out and anxious. The current residence is their territory which they have to leave for a new place with new smells and new incentives. That is why it is also vital to think about your cat or dog when moving abroad. 

Relocating with pets

8 tips for moving with pets

1. Explore the pet import rules of the new host country

It is wise to do some research about what rules your new country is applying regarding pet import. Some countries might have stricter pet import rules than others. Topics might include required vaccinations and certificates, wheter your animal is allowed and wheter a quarantine period is necessary. Contact the consulate of your new country for the most updated information. 


2. Make an appointment with your current vet

Your local vet is a good starting point to make your pet travel-proof. Make sure your dog or cat has had the required injections according to the country of destination. A vaccination against rabies and a microchip for example is mandatory in certain countries. Your vet can also suggest certain techniques or medication to make the travelling less stressful for your pet. 


3. Find a new vet in the new country

It might be helpful to already have a new vet on hand in your new home country. Your current vet might be able to make some recommendations of collegeague-vets she/he knows. Make an appointment with your new vet as soon as possible after arrival so your pet can be established right away. 


4. Get your pet accustomed to the travel cage

Right after you purchase a travel cage, you want your pet to start acclimating to it. Not all pets will feel comfortable in it right away. In the beginning it is best to leave the door open while gradually putting blankets and sweets inside. The more you built an association around the crate as a safe place, the better for your animal. 


5. Keep your animal seperated during the packing process

The hectic during packing of your personal belongings can create stress for your pet. Therefore it might be best putting your animal in a seperate room or with a friend during the packing. 


6. Pet-proof your new home

It is a good idea to do a quick pet-proof check upon arrival. You can check if there are no electrical cords or poisonous products inside. Also, before letting your pet into the garden, check if there are no gasp or holes in the fencing. 


7. Welcome your pet gradually to your new home

It might be tempting to set your dog or cat loose in your new house. However, this might be overwhelming to them. It might be better to create one room as a home base. This is the place where his favorite toys and treats are. After that, you can gradually introduce him/her to new rooms in the house. 


8. Keep the same routine after the move

Maintaining your pet's schedule will help reduce anxiety. Set up phone reminders on your phone for feeding times and walks.